:::::::::::::::::: Nuuberland 4.0:::::::::::::::::: based on neverland 3.8 by Ruly bugfixes additions and code cleanup by SumDumGuy (El PeeKay on otfans) changes from neverland 3.8 -------------------------- fix - light spells moved to lua [game.cpp, player.cpp, spells.cpp] fix - light items and spells working properly (better than cip's even ;) [game.cpp, player.cpp] add - save magic light value and restore on login - uses storagevalue 0x0DEFACED [game.cpp] fix - world light level revamped, configurable length 10 min - 24 hour [game.cpp] add - world light level starts using current time fix - major zItem bug fixed (aka parcels in house bug) [game.cpp] fix - items you can stand on work as zItems (bench, chair etc.) [item.cpp] add - tutors, couns, gm, god talk orange in help ( #d and #c work also) [chat.cpp] add - A* code for getPathTo() changed to CVS_051108 [map.cpp] fix - support OTM 1.1.2 as well as OTX for map format (sql needs work :/ ) [map.cpp,iomapbin.cpp,iompapxml.cpp,otserv.cpp] add - map format determined at runtime by extention (otx,otm,sql) [map.cpp] add - map info printed on console for otx (height, width, temple xyz, # spawns) [iomapxml.cpp,spawns.cpp] add - use map temple if saved login pos & temple pos are bad (sorta fixes aac) [map.cpp] fix - far use bug (broke fishing and other things) [actions.cpp] add - depot zones , depotcount switches fixed [tile.cpp, game.cpp, otserv.cpp] add - switch city names to globalstringfield & add citycount globalnumber [protocol75.cpp,config.lua] add - depot support for multiple cities .. 255[or more?] max cities (was 5 max) [protocol75.cpp] fix - support mail using all types of mailboxes [protocol75.cpp] fix - depot opens/closes like normal container [actions.cpp] fix - moving to attack / followmode was too slow , based on speed now [game.cpp] add - fix server crash opening null depot (autocreates empty dp) [player.cpp] fix - lifering/roh didn't update healthbar [game.cpp] fix - haste icon didnt go away when haste did [game.cpp] fix - day/night cycle & configurable length in lua [game.cpp, player.cpp] fix - bed code optimized, only beds with real sleepers saved [game.cpp] fix - looking at beds integrated into regular look [protocol.cpp] fix - only sleep in bed in house & only beds in houses can tell sleeper [game.cpp] fix - hammocks change item # correctly (math bug) [game.cpp] add - house owner (only) can kick sleepers from bed [game.cpp] fix - creature invis 30 sec instead of 300, player invis 200 instead of 150 fix - load beds is creating stacks of beds - check for preexisting before making new fix - can throw stuff onto bed - bad for head, might be bad for feet? add - looking at GM/SGM & rookies [player.cpp] add - looking at unowned house shows purchase price [houses.cpp] add - multiple temples - npc to set "hi" "citizen" [lua scripts] add - npc facing focused player while they move and to start talking 'selfFacePlayer(focus)' [npc.cpp, npc lib.lua] add - !sellhouse - 'salepercent' = % of puchase price to get back [game.cpp] add - !sellhouse - dump contents to depot[id in housefile] & clear lists [houses.cpp] fix - !buyhouse - must be at front door [game.cpp] add - wall decorations in houses (mirror,tapestry,clock,painting) [houses.cpp,items.cpp,protocol75.cpp] fix - lifedrain must be next to target, not far [game.cpp] fix - access > 0 could damage other players in non pvp [game.cpp] add - looking at leveldoors shows needed level [protocol75.cpp] fix - otservlist.org support fixed [otserv.cpp] add - wildcard in name for @pm~@ , *pm~* and from ctrl-o [game.cpp, protocol.cpp] fix - exori mana uses 4*lvl, or 80% .. whichever is bigger [game.cpp] fix - throw snowballs & small rocks [items.xml] fix - level calaculation fixed so top level 500, not 350 [creature.h] add - poison shottype for some wands/rods [items.cpp] fix - summon ai - idle standing not as stupid.. [monster.cpp] fix - walkto getDestPosition - returns shortest path to dest, not arbitrary pos [game.cpp] add - Holy Grail - complete ctrl-r violations handling [protocol75.cpp, chat.cpp, game.cpp] fix - aac revamped - "Account Wizard" - 1/1 - auto generated acc#, default password, add delete account (must have deleted all chars in acc manager) - "Account Manager" - add change password, add delete char (must delete all chars to delete acc) future additions & bugfixes -charbug!!?! erasing char when get bad value in loading ? - deleting chars - remove from list, leave file - deleting accounts - change password to 'deleted ' + ctime - trapdoor - banning access >= player - house door states, save open/closed - fix exiva (not updating stats, using mana on gm) - convince creature - count summons then setmaster - need mana use.. - remove elem vip and fix up better one - quest diary - to show what ones youve done - spellbook (partial) - save chameleon/invis state on logout - clear blessings when die ^.- supposedly does.. - make /reset really reset & change access on some cmds to god only - walkto & useitemex + moveitem - move extra commands/spells to proper spot from creaturesay in game.cpp - revamp levitate.. inefficient - canthrowto -- adjust for z then check.. might fix tossing to other z .. (z > from, adjust to.z | z < from, adjust from.z) depends if it checks the tiles - limit to 1 up & 2 down?